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A journey to nowhere.

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 10 April 2014 10:12 (A review of Snowpiercer)

Recently, many Korean directors leaped onto Hollywood for movies like 'The Last Stand' and 'Stoker'. Actually, none of them were not bad, those were pretty good first steps to test their potential into the world's largest arena. For a change this movie was Korean but had 99% western actors in it and also was in English. Probably the first Korean English language movie as per my knowledge.

An intense action-drama filled with some amount of mysteries to put viewer edge of the seat. Well written screenplay to form into an entertaining cinema. More like it was inspired by some computer game or games can inspire by this. The whole story takes place on a non-stop moving train which carries only survivors after failed experiments regarding global warming. Each portion of the train carries different class people to keep the human kind balanced. But the problem arises when one of the box people tries to break all the barriers.

There were no flashbacks in the picture, but was narrated in a voice like a bedtime story. If you liked 'Dredd' or 'The Raid Redemption' you would like it as well because in those movies prime preferences were given to stunt sequences and suspense than the story and twist. That is why all these flick looks alike, but distinguished by their locations and character appearances.

The first half was very good, but further moving toward the second half kind of fall short to keep the same momentum. It might be because they were not digging deep of what they're showing on the screen. Overall a pleasing story, but the end was ordinary, looked like same villain trick from various movies. After the great first half and average second, it is hard to put them together to say one hell of a movie because of the falling graph draft from starting point to the end. One should go for it only if he's expecting good actions, thrilling suspense and the great visuals.


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The final fight of the immigrants.

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 10 April 2014 10:08 (A review of Harlock: Space Pirate (Space Pirate Captain Harlock) (2013))

Probably my first 3D CG anime movie from Japan. There's no compromise in quality like they do for Anime movies. In fact, I found it better than American standards. The Japanese were already master in their animation called anime and now 3D anime. The new path has been created, yet to come some great stuffs on this way.

It was based on the manga and television series that I have not seen or read them. Earlier I had seen kind of similar theme movie named 'Space battleship Yamato'. Both were did not stand up to my expectations, but in the other perspective side spectacular action sequences made the movie look better.

The story was set in the year 2977, where 500 billion humans are sailing back to home planet who are waiting on the edge of the galaxy to enter the Earth's atmosphere. When the permission is denied by the inhabitant leaders someone must risk everything and fight for the rights. So our captain Harlock comes into the frame on the pirate flagged spaceship and would he break all the hurdles to make way for immigrants is what the movie describes.

A bit slow presentation, had great stunts, but was infrequent. Should have been little better in character development. Unfortunately, characters and story kind of merely merged. Flashbacks and twists were not striking as it desperately wanted in those parts of the storytelling. Other than those it had everything a space travel theme should have with it. Enjoyable movie, but not completely though opinion differs from a person to another. It may make you view a better, but still won't forget to keep in mind what I said here.

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Drugs, Sex and Money. The rest was just a glimpse.

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 1 April 2014 01:10 (A review of The Wolf of Wall Street)

This new Martin Scorsese's movie made me go speechless, I was absolutely stunned. This was not some random person's life story, it was based on the former stockbroker Jordan Belfort which mostly speaks about the frauds he committed. This movie was presented in a dark comedy like it's supposed to be, mainly because of three stuffs it deals, (1) drugs, (2) sex and (3) money.

Drugs: It was not the first time a Hollywood movie to represent this issue in raw act, but depends on whose movie it was. When filmmakers choose subjects like this they should ready to roll on any challenge that comes ahead so I believe Martin Scorsese did an exceptional job here to depict the truth as it should be.

Sex: It was very strong and kind of shocked to see in a Martin Scorsese movie. Like I said in earlier paragraph no matter what it is the director excelled in this department as well to extract the possible reality.

Money: This is a common theme in world cinema so no surprise the director mastered in this field as well without letting anything behind. But previous two themes from above two paragraphs braced this theme very comfortable blend and reached the crest of the tensed end part of the story.

Does it require to brief about Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill's contribution. Well, both of them were outstanding in their respective roles. And great supports from second stream actors and cameo appearances from various top profiles. The successful collaboration between Scorsese and DiCaprio continues to the next level. Hope this pair gives an another remarkable product in near future. Until then goodbye from me, I mean meet you in my next review and thank you for reading this. Cheers.

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Show no mercy while hunting or it may hunt u back

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 1 April 2014 12:55 (A review of Lone Survivor)

'Lone Survivor' tells the true story of a US navy SEAL team and their failed mission called Operation Red Wings during the Afghanistan war. As the title says there's nothing to hide or secrets behind characters, only one survive from a team of four soldiers. How it all going to happen unfolded in an unbelievable manner.

It was Mark Wahlberg's show, though Taylor Kitsch, Eric Bana and others appearance gave strong grip to the story. This movie takes place mainly in three locations, one from US navy base, two from mountain range and the third one from a small village. The US navy base was okay, but the mountain range and Afghan village were looked clearly fake. Failed to recreate those middle-east atmospheres where the movie was shot (in Mexico), but the movie was breathtaking by the story and performances make you forget the technical side flaws.

In a few areas, it makes you to feel it was overdone. Especially after soldiers were wounded by multiple bullet shots. But then it was clearly explained in the opening scene itself like the soldiers were trained to stand tall in any given harsh situations. The director of 'The Kingdom' crafted this movie awesomely in a similar fashion to that. One of the Oscars talked movie, but did not do well, though got good responds from the movie goers around the world. It is like this year's 'Zero Dark Thrity' based on US war against Talibans. Knowing truth is always good for knowledge and if it comes through a movie, then it will be a thrilling entertainment.

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A fine collaboration between west & east.

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 1 April 2014 12:46 (A review of 47 Ronin)

West meets east like the movie 'The Last Samurai'. Visually impressive movie from the debutant director. It was based on the Japanese history of 47 samurais who are on the verge to avenge their master's death. But the movie was more fictional than realistic and soared with great CGI touch.

This is second in a row for Keanu Reeves, whose movie is attached to easter culture or history. As for this story his facial look was well blended with mixed race, half British and half Japanese. Sadly, it was not shot inside the Japan, not even a single shot, but you know todays computer graphics can bring any kind of atmosphere.

The movie about samurais mean most of them won't have a happy ending. If you are familiar with this genre you will be well known about what seppuku means. Yeah the movie deals with some serious matters like that apart from fictional extend of history. It was a crucial performance by Keanu Reeves among other faces. But the real letdown was some key moments of the movie, like many scenes were depicted Hollywood style fantasies. I truly missed Japanese techniques in film presentation, but will please the western audience.

It was a nice collaboration between American filmmakers and Japanese cast. In the end the result came very convincing, but should have been better. It was a good watch without anticipating much from it. The movie will fall in not too bad and not too good list.

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After a long time Will Ferrell was at his best

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 1 April 2014 12:43 (A review of Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) )

Most anticipated sequel because the follow-up in comedy only declines the fun parts and value of the original. The story followed as well the cast and crew from the first. It also spiced up with the cameos of high profile stars, sadly it did not long last. This story travelled even bigger and broader than the first, but the question is does it really lived up to the standards of the original?

Like the first this movie as well largely depended on Will Ferrell's role and he alone took it as far he can to make the movie from being vulnerable. Also not to forget the good support from other guys like Steve Carell, Paul Rudd et cetera. The story was not much exciting. Especially the scene with toy fish draws us out of the interest, but it was the usual route for comedies from generations. Except those frequent minor flaws, this movie excellent in all departments, including behind and in front of the camera.

A sequel after a decade of gap which lived up to the my expectations and I enjoyed it better than the people around me. I found a little hard to predict the story, especially the coming ups and it became key to satisfy me. In fact, in some parts it looked even better than the first, still lags back in other sensitive segments like bringing back the street fight. Overall, what impressed me the most was the majority of scenes that was fresh. After successful enjoying this, now I am expecting the legend to continue further more, I mean the third.

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A bit of fun & a bit of drama til the battle begin

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 1 April 2014 12:40 (A review of Grudge Match)

The actors from the 80s coming together mean it must be something great. There's no youth left in them for a concept like this, but the alteration of the story well suited for these fellows. As far I know Robert De Niro is not made for hardcore stunts, surprisingly he managed to give his best in this movie. And no need to praise Sylvester Stallone when it come to a movie based on boxing.

The trailer was different that what I saw today in the movie. It totally misled me, I thought the movie was about computer game where two ex champions meet, but it went way beyond to the final battle. My eye was on De Niro, his entry in unfamiliar arena, the boxing. For Stallone it is like the return of Rocky Balboa.

A little bit of fun and a little bit of drama. The story commenced with the early life of two rivalry boxers and moves all the way to the next 30 years. The uncomfortably settled life forces them to come together one final time and the rest of the story brief these legend's preparation for the grudge match. Recently saw plenty of movies based on old guys, but this movie is not that often you see. Well crafted movie, but only a just above the average, which mostly a time pass movie.

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There'll be no future if u r pursuing a wrong path

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 25 March 2014 07:33 (A review of The Selfish Giant)

A surprisingly good movie, unexpectedly exceeded all my expectations and put me on speechless. It was inspired by the Oscar Wilde story which portrays two English boys who are suspended from their school for misbehaving. They are inherited from the poor family which led them to work for a local scrap dealer. After sometime the things changes between them and decides to move in different directions, which ends in a shocking tragedy.

The story was told in a straight forward flow in a raw form with a possible realistic approach. Great performance by the two inexperience kids and a fine direction. One of the best British movie in a recent past with a good message carrying in it.

The Story of a two kids with different characteristic nature, but same interest which puts them together. The relationship between them and the path they choose to travel in life was clearly depicted. And so the nature of unexpected accident that strike without a warning. All together this movie became a solid piece of cinema, but a bit rough in parts.

Since 'Paranoid Park' I have not disturbed by any film scenes. The whole day I was thinking about the disaster that happened in this movie. For that scene alone this movie deserves to be R rated. Also, there are many bad words used in dialogues which is not suitable for kids. I love British movie, if you do as well then don't miss this movie.

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It is all about THE PROMISE you make.

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 25 March 2014 07:09 (A review of 10 Promises to My Dog)

Expected usual dog movie with emotional ending, but I encountered different here. In fact the end was very touching, but this dog movie is not your regular one. It is largely distinct from similar themes you had seen before which is not ruled by the dogs like the one from 'The Cave of the Yellow Dog'.

This is a pure drama about the father-daughter relationship and a childhood friendship where a dog sneaks into their lives as the part of it. The best performances by everyone, but sad for those who are expected dog's contribution like naughty stuffs to enjoy the parts of the story.

To clearly say about the plot, it is about a girl who makes the 10 promises to her dog and would she keeps her oath is what the movie briefs in the rest. If you ever had a dog it will question you as well what you did for him/her other than giving shelter and food.

So far seen half a dozen of Japanese dog movies, but this is one of the special dog movie, in some angle it is best of its kind. Because the story was not told from the dog's perspective or dog did not have a strong presence. All about his/her master, whether he treated respectfully with love and shared his life or not.

I remind you again, don't go for it expecting the regular style dog movie because you may end in a disappointment. But I still recommend this decent romance-drama which stated its intention clearly to the viewers with a strong ending.

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To be a child of the revolutioners must be hard.

Posted : 10 years, 11 months ago on 25 March 2014 06:57 (A review of Infancia clandestina)

This was the Argentina's submission for last year's American Academy Awards and failed to make into the final five. But it was a clean sweep in Argentinian Academy Awards in the same year. Forget that past sad occurrence, I mean the Oscars, this movie was great and I liked it very much. After a very long gap I saw an Argentinian movie reckoning to be a good and it was. I am satisfied and glad I saw it which was loosely based on the director's real life story when he was a child.

This story was told from the perspective of a kid called Juan. His parents are the activists during the Cold War known as the Dirty War. After their return to the home country with different names, Juan joins the school known as Ernesto. He finds hard to understand his parents' behaviour, but comfortably settles with his new fake name with a little help from his uncle. The problem arises when his true identity matters the most. Whether he reveals or not is the crux of the movie's end.

In my recent watch I had seen the people who struggle while protesting in a country's revolution. It might be based on real like 'NO' or fictional like 'Night Train to Lisbon', but majority of them end in heartbreak tragedy. Similarly, this movie opened its account in a simple manner like most of the drama that based on the revolution theme. Yes, of course it confuses at first about what's going on then slowly explain the situation. But all the difference and racy pace emerge suddenly in the last quarter of the movie. Till then I was in the movie trying to concentrate, but then instantly put me on the edge of my seat with cute romance and followed by thriller. That, the end portion of the story of last 10-15 minutes took the movie to the heights.

Yes, like I said the movie kicks off with a slow and boring pace with nothing much to enjoy earlier and ends in a style. Some movies are largely depends on the story's end solution and so this. To me it looked fine movie, different people will have different opinions, so watch it by yourself and express yours.

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