Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 2 June 2014 02:47
(A review of
Like many saying this must be the best ever Dutch movie. At least from the list I have seen so far. The movie surprised me from the every corner with the great cast and powerful performances. Made me to think like I am on a right movie at a right time. Yeah, the subject was quite a strong as the title indicates, though it was not that brutal yet enjoyable.
A movie that depicts the social lives of the different ethical groups who endeavor power to rule and to lead sustainable lives. It was a crime-cum-sport-drama, but took all the time to build a better platform for the last quarter of the movie. In the initial hour the story was well developed with fine characters and leaves nothing behind you to carry a bag of doubts. The boxing concept would have not been a necessary, though politely blended into the mainstream story just like the Korean movie 'Punch'.
The main character Majid was good. This is the character that encounters everything in the story like emotions and conflicts in his unpleasant life. When his family and romantic life was not arranged properly, he got a slot to rewrite his social life and he has to act tough regarding the approach he chose. The tale of his gang was quite predictable, especially the twist that coming from that way was as expected. Then what makes this movie so special? Well, all together like a multi-face of a character that reshapes according to the situation was displayed precisely. Not only the actors, but praisable job was done by the writer and the director. This underworld and multi-cultural story is definitely not for everyone for many reasons. This could be a perfect entertainer if you take lightly everything you going to see. Overall one of a better movie of the year from this geographical region.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 2 June 2014 02:44
(A review of
I love this director's all the movies. If you check them out you would do same as me. Because his movies were not based on usual concepts, that something immensely varying from each others. Sadly, he's not consistent in filmmaking, he does take large gaps between the movies otherwise he would have been one of the most talked director in Hollywood beside other giants. The fact is I did not know it was his till I decided to watch and that made so curious towards the time I going to spend for it.
Joaquin Phoenix was spot on in the movie. Man, I still remember him in the movie 'Gladiator' where he appeared in a dark shade. I was only so young and I hated him in that role. Now everything has changed, in the last few years he's coming stronger, especially after 'Walk the Line' and 'The Master' which gave him the Oscar node. He's famous for his unique display of the roles in his all the movies and this movie is not too far from another top notch performance. Yeah, way to go Joaquin Phoenix.
This movie dealt with one of the rare subjects that set in the 2025. We don't know how will be the future look like, but the director created remarkable fictional world and inserted equally outstanding character(s). This was the story of a man called Theodore, a loner and a professional letter writer. One day he decides to buy the newly released operating system with artificial intelligence. He begins to encounter the life changing experience and instantly fall in love with it. In the world of reality it is impossible to have a physical relationship with an AI, so how far it goes and ends is explained in the movie's death.
Absolutely an extraordinary concept, but the only thing that did not stand up to my expectation was the story. It was predictable, but the scenes created for those stories were finely patched throughout. Really, it amazed me. Makes me happy that it won for 'original screenplay' at the Oscars. I know it was too late that I am seeing it, actually I'd seen all the Oscars movies of the year except this one and now everything was done and dusted. So I have to wait for another 6 months for another shot. Between that guess the movies that's going to have a chance for the upcoming Oscars. As for this movie's concern, it is not a missable. So recommend it, if you have not checked it out do it as soon as possible. Cheers!

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 2 June 2014 02:33
(A review of
The Kings of Summer)
An independent movie and a coming-of-age comedy-drama. The story of the three boys who left behind their respective lives for their freedom to choose what they want like an adult. They move to the woods and build a cabin. This resolution by teenagers leaves a greater panic in their parents. Everything in the world has an end and how long it lasts is the remains that concludes with a sharp strike that changes their rest of the life.
The story commences with a powerful tribal musical rhythm that makes us to have goosebump. Then takes us to the earlier story to reveal the meaning of their's behaviour. These kids performed awesomely especially the character Biaggio was impressive. Biaggio was the highlight, without him would have been a less interested in the story narration. The less preference given to the characters going to have a strong hold in the end of the story. So you no need to be wise to support any individual characters.
The first half of the movie was excellent and then the later parts, it really breaks my heart. The romance was the responsible for that, I could not handle it well due to I was rooting for my favourite character in the story. I think that was a downfall, otherwise I would have said it's an awesome movie than to say a good movie. Overall, one of the year's best movies and must not miss.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 2 June 2014 02:29
(A review of
3 Days To Kill )
This was the latest action-crime movie from the director of 'This Means War'. It was more like a French thriller and should have been a French movie as well, but Hollywood borrowed it from a famous French filmmaker. This cast and crew team was great so expectation will be there like always. In this 2 hour movie everyone did not get fair screen presence except Kevin Costner. It was not long ago I saw the little girl in the movie 'True Grit', now she has all grown up here. Good to see her, hope the future will shape up well for her.
It was the story of a top US secret agent who comes to know that his life is not going to wait for anyone any longer. He decides to spend his rest of the life with his closest ones. But the past follows him and urges his requirement in the field to eliminate the bad guys. In exchange, they offer something life changer. Now at a time he has to cope with his family as well the duty assigned to him. The rest of the story tells how he manages all the difficulties.
They have tried too much ingredients and stirred in a one movie. That did not clinch well all together. In fact, multiple plot with each stream of the story had different genres that terribly ruined the movie's standardness. The pace was the issue here, it was not constant. When the action sequences begin it flows at a rapid speed, then it comes back to the normal that did not convince followed by the darkly humorous in parts. This is a time pass movie and expecting from it is like a foolish. You would accomplish watching it, in the end most of you won't be happy for what you had seen and probably decide to put into an average list.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2014 09:20
(A review of
One of the fine documentary with a fine message. Snubbed from the Oscars and I felt really bad for that. It should have been in there compared to the other nominees, including the winner. This was like another 'The Cove' which spotlights the human torture to the non human species. This documentary is not for entertainment, but which brings the public awareness of the serious issue that still taking place around the world in different venues.
The movie was committed to expose on the imprisoned Orca, a killer whale called Tilikum and the company called 'Sea World' it owns. It all began from his capture in 1983 on the coast of Iceland, then brought back to the United States to train. In his 30 years of captivity Tilikum was involved in the deaths of his trainers, but the statement to the press and media was denoted as it was the human error. And also the movie had many heartbreaking incidents in many parts.
When I first heard about this movie I thought it was going to uncover the crime committed by the large Blackfish. As usual like most of the occasion my guess was wrong and I was totally surprised towards the story that tried to reveal some unexpected and unbearable truths. Everything reversed and finger points towards human just like the tag says: Never capture what you can't control. Looked like this just below 90 minutes movie was lacking in valuable inputs. Only because of the 'Sea World' that holds Tilikum refused to participate in making of the movie which portrayed them in dark shade. But the intention of the movie was explained in very honestly. There it goes my salute to the director whose attempt was so courageous.
In my childhood, I had a fish bowl with a couple of goldfish in it and I regret having it after seeing this documentary movie. Truly an eye opener, whoever watch this would feel similar fashion, especially if you are an animal lover. Hoping this movie will change the perspective of the relationship between man and animals. Expecting more and more movies like this until people realise what's going on between dominated and enslaved species on the planet earth. If you are reading my review then you must add it to your watch list because I don't want you to miss this.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2014 09:14
(A review of
The Monuments Men)
This movie was loosely adapted from the book of the same name which was originally based on the true story of the world war two. It was a war drama with a theme of the treasure hunt directed by our own George Clooney. The movie had multi top stars who team up for a specially assigned task. Just like the Alistair MacLean stories they lead their way to the war zone to accomplish.
I don't know how much close to the original story it was, but this movie was a bit slow and drag, all the way dull. But not to forget the story intentionally serves its elements to us without surprises and twists. What we really miss was the scenes that pull us to our seat's edge. Yeah, the fast paced furious thrillers, especially in the last few minutes I was desperate for that and it did come, but did not please me. Even the deaths in the movie were not convinced or appeals strongly. Most of the time I thought it was a dark comedy, especially in the last scene of Jean Dujardin.
Other than cinematically transformation fail, I really liked the story. In the real story with real people it would have been a hell of a job than in the movie, which portrays few pieces of the real incident. Heartbreaks to know that many valuables were destroyed during Hitler's invasion of Europe and also makes me happy that these men saved most of it. No doubt, it was a reasonable attempt by George Clooney. Because this story must reach widely to expose these men's bravery and it's only possible through a movie. This is not a must see movie, but for story wise it is.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2014 09:05
(A review of
Some of Paul WS Anderson movies were awesome and some were not, mixed bag to me. It is always a tricky to choose his movies to watch. Anyway, I went for it which was based on the historic disaster subject. Something like the movie 'Titanic', only theme was based on the real, but the story was a fictional. I was curious about the merge of newly written story than what I heard about Pompeii in history books.
Todays graphics on the fingertip is the reason to recreating the historic movies. The second century after the motion picture was invented is on course to right direction. Many filmmakers utilised it very well and some are overly whelmed with too much graphics like the movie '300'. But still those were awesome to revisit ancient time just like we assumed it to be while reading history books. So my expectations were usual to see men with beautiful costumes and to know more about our extinct cultures.
This was the romance tale with lots of actions and adventures. This movie badly missed the star powers. Since it was a German-Canadian collaboration the cast was recruited from everywhere to make it an international product. Well, I thought the lead actor was a little short though his performance was good. The others like Emily Browning, Kiefer Southerland and Adewale were better, but the pace of the movie did not give them more opportunity to exhibit and develop their respective characters.
Yes, it was the story which rushed too fast towards the ending. Another 20 minutes of drama in the initial parts would have been the perfect setup for the story like this. Especially the character Cassia needed it and also a bit Atticus before all these three meet at one point. So it seems the movie maker's plan was commercial purpose than quality of art and presentation. Anyway the entertainment was there, but not the value and standards. A slight disappointment movie, though it can be watchable at once.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2014 08:58
(A review of
I, Frankenstein)
The fusion between the ancient characters in the modern world is not a new, at least for the newer generation. This is the way it became in the present era which makes viral and collects more revenue. We can say its a new trend in cinema making. As we know that all the movies based on similar fashion had not seen success, but still filmmakers are eager to gamble in this particular path. So that is where the character Frankenstein comes through this movie.
Pretty much excited to see Aaron Ackhart in a lead role who was one of the most notable supporting actor of our time. It was a one liner story. Centuries old war between angels and demons continued till the present time, which brings along the soulless creature Frankenstein who caught between them. So what is his role in the battle of immortal giants is what the movie reveal in the rest of the portion.
I can say quite a good concept was wasted for nothing. The graphics were good but too much of dark shades ruined the quality. Development either for characters or the story was never looked improving. It kept falling every minute and confused the audience. In the end it was badly written and directed. The director had no much experience to carve a huge and popular character like Frankenstein. As expected, it went straight to the garbage, but watchable only for Aaron Ackhart. That means not he's awesome, his stunt sequences were below par.
Not too far from now to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Victor Frankenstein. So I guess this is the right time to tribute him and his creator. After seeing this movie I felt, is that it?, done and dusted. Please somebody make a fine movie based on character Frankenstein. He deserves better that this. Hoping to see some big names around cast and crew.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 26 May 2014 08:54
(A review of
The Number 23)
Well, the number 23 is a special to me. It's my birth date and I consider myself, it's a lucky number. This is the number which always pops-out when I wanted to pick a number. During watching team sports I always watch-out for who's wearing a jersey with this number. So the number 23 is everything to me and watched this movie 7 years ago (today, 2014) with high expectations which stood up to my belief. Here I am after a re-watch.
You know mystery movie are not meant to watch again and again, because you won't get that real twist when you re-watch. That is a big drawback in this particular genre. All we need is to give a good concentration while we watch for the first time and must not miss a single dialogues. But in my case I saw it a long ago, now I didn't remember much of the movie scene except the storyline. So I had a little advantage over that to view it again and I am glad this movie impressed me in the second time as well.
You won't see much of Jim Carrey in a serious role. This is one of those where he's out of his league, the comedies. I thought it was a dark comedy, at least it kick started sounding like that way. But after progressing with good story development it turned so ridiculously deep into a main character who was obsessed with the number 23. It began with a simple misunderstanding over a something, but later digs intellectually with more broader expansion towards a parallel story that was written in a red book.
It is a great movie, which stays true to its genre and makes audience to begin their guessing game soon the red book enters into the frames. It also had a wonderful twist with the meaningful dialogues at the end. It is a must see movie from the perspective of the Jim Carrey's filmography. One of the movies of him to remember his appearance in a divergent character than usual. Hope I gonna see it again after some years from now on and expect to remain same warmth, maintaining everlasting strength from its main plot to deliver me.

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Posted : 10 years, 9 months ago on 18 May 2014 07:51
(A review of
The Garden Of Words)
Just remember the technical brilliance of '5 Centimeters Per Second', the same director who curved this movie as well. So the expectation usually will be high for anyone who watched this filmmakers earlier movies. The movie was too short, not even it crosses an hour mark, but only a just below the 50 minutes.
Not only the filmmaker, but title as well impressed me. You know 'The Secret Garden' was one of my favourite so thought it would go similar fashion. Yeah, that's right the movie deals a story of a high school boy Takao who is passionate about shoe making. He goes to a nearby garden to the school to sketch shoes. One day during the rainy season he meets a stranger with beer in one hand and chocolates in another. Days passed by, they become very close and shares things to each others. How far this unanticipated relation takes them together and what are all changes make in their lives is follows in heartbreaking way.
A faint clap of thunder. Clouded skies. Perhaps rain comes.
And if so, stay with me. 
I can't say it was an unexpected surprise, it gave me what I was looking for, fulfills my desire. You know during the transition between two scenes some director will take an alternate route by showing skies, rain, clouds, insects et cetera for the few seconds. Those were very impressive and realistic. Technically it was spectacular, every minute details were incredibly good. It was a perfect meld between characters, story and the backgrounds.
The visuals were very charming in every frames of the movies just like '5 Centimeters Per Second'. Fine story as well, pure drama with more realistic mode covered with sentiments at the end. Could not ask better than this. The only worry was this movie is unbearably small. I was thirst to have extra more minutes, but I could not get. Ended seeing it with a disappointment but more than satisfied with the complete movie. For anime movie fans, it is a must see. Hope y'all get same excitement and pleasure like I had.

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